Tiny is a contemplative stop motion film which tells the story of ‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder Colleen Hemphill’s childhood.
Interview with Director/Producer/Editor/Animator Ritchie Hemphill
Congratulations! Why did you make your film?
Going forward into an ever more digitally integrated era in humanity, I wanted to create a film that felt like a physical reminder of life lived with more of a direct focus on the natural environment, and from a 'Nakwaxda'xw elders perspective.
Imagine I’m a member of the audience. Why should I watch this film?
Getting to know and spend some time with 'Nakwaxda'xw elder Colleen is a treat in and of itself, but I also believe the film has a soothing quality as it portrays stories and landscapes of a time now past.
How do personal and universal themes work in your film?
In the film, as Colleen reflects on her youth growing up on a moving float-house around the coast of Vancouver Island, you can sense how the environment shapes people and their perspectives.
How have the script and film evolved over the course of their development?
Initially, we had 6+ hours of extremely engaging dialog from Colleen. Cutting away the majority of the content to create a clear and succinct portrayal of Colleen's story is something that happened with iterations of editing, as well as getting an idea of what we could physically be able to accomplish within the time and budget.
What type of feedback have you received so far?
The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive. We are a relatively new, and quite small team so getting to share the film has been really exciting.
Has the feedback surprised or challenged your point of view?
The feedback has inspired me to organize my points of view more clearly so I may honestly represent myself and my work.
What are you looking to achieve by having your film more visible on www.wearemovingstories.com?
I would be happy if someone gets excited about discovering and watching the film.
Who do you need to come on board (producers, sales agents, buyers, distributors, film festival directors, journalists) to amplify this film’s message?
Thus far we've only had our films on the film festival circuit and never broadcasted or distributed in any way, so it would be wonderful to find more opportunities and potential partners in those areas.
What type of impact and/or reception would you like this film to have?
I hope people can get inspired to create stories out of the raw material of their history, or their families' history. Our film was made largely by two people so I also hope people might feel empowered to create using DIY methods and means.
What’s a key question that will help spark a debate or begin a conversation about this film?
I personally am curious about whether or not our way of living currently, or the way of life before such heavy digital integration, was healthier for human beings. I also think it could be interesting for people to see a documentary-type film done in animation, not using any real footage at all.
Would you like to add anything else?
I would want up-and-coming creators to know that I believe, just going for it and trying to make something with what you have can be a better way to learn as opposed to learning a huge bag of tools and then applying those when they are relevant. Instead, find the specific things you want to do and learn how to do those things, and as issues pop up... Google them.
What other projects are the key creatives developing or working on now?
Bronfree Films has been working on its follow-up film for over a year now. In contrast to Tiny and its basis in reality, our next film is a fictional fantasy piece about two humanoid pigs on an alien planet (lol).
Interview: May 2023
We Are Moving Stories embraces new voices in drama, documentary, animation, TV, web series, music video, women's films, LGBTQIA+, POC, First Nations, scifi, supernatural, horror, world cinema. If you have just made a film - we'd love to hear from you. Or if you know a filmmaker - can you recommend us? More info: Carmela
Tiny is a contemplative stop motion film which tells the story of ‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder Colleen Hemphill’s childhood.
Length: 16:21
Director: Ritchie Hemphill, Ryan Haché
Producer: Ritchie Hemphill, Ryan Haché
Writer: Colleen Hemphill
About the writer, director and producer:
RITCHIE HEMPHILL grew up on Tsulquate reserve and was raised by his community, the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw people. RITCHIE is a filmmaker and a musician, working to create art that is healing for himself and for his people. In 2015, Ritchie co-founded the award-winning stop-motion animation studio Bronfree Films with Ryan Haché, creating short films that include Indigenous legends, language revitalization and Elder storytelling. Ritchie’s goal is to render his people’s traditional stories in a beautiful light through his films.
A self-taught stop-motion animator and filmmaker working in claymation and 2D animation, RYAN HACHÉ’s works range from realism to abstract absurdity and macabre humour. Driven to create alluring oddity in his work, hoping to charm people with the innate strangeness of claymation, RYAN continues to seek creative collaboration with diverse artists. In 2015, he co-founded the studio Bronfree Films with Ritchie Hemphill and has since produced dozens of independent short animations in collaboration with indie artists and musicians.
Chief Negotiator for the Gwa’sala- ‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations, COLLEEN HEMPHILL has a long history of working to promote self-determination. She has developed cultural curricula for school districts, created the Indigenous newspaper Awa’kwis and worked with several First Nations on Northern Vancouver Island as a Self-Government Advisor under the Kwakiutl District Council. In honour of her contributions and achievements, Colleen was awarded the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Key cast: Ritchie Hemphill (Director), Ryan Haché (Director), Colleen Hemphill (Film Subject and Narrator)
Looking for: distributors, journalists, film festival directors and buyers
Facebook: Bronfree Films
Twitter: @bronfreefilms
Instagram: @bronfreefilms
Hashtags used: #bronfreefilms
Website: linktr.ee/bronfreefilms
Other: YouTube
Funders: Canada Council for the Arts
Where can I watch it next and in the coming month?
DOXA Documentary Film Festival/Vancouver, BC, Canada - May 4th-14th
Short Circuit Pacific Rim Film Festival/Victoria, BC, Canada - May 5th-13th
Grand River Film Festival/Waterloo, ON, Canada - May 9th-13th
Les sommets du cinéma d’animation/Montréal, QC, Canada - May 9th-14th
Seattle International Film Festival/Seattle, WA, USA - May 11th-21st