3500+ Films - 2.5 million words – 1 million viewers! Founder and Curator Carmela selects some of our most entertaining, powerful and inspiring Action films at We Are Moving Stories. These include short and feature length drama and documentary about women’s stories, genre and superheroes both fictional and real.
Total length of this section: 20 films.
Prey - A backwoods hunter realizes she may be the prey of another hunter when she stumbles upon bloodied articles of clothing during her daily trap checkings. Escaping the forest is the key to her survival. Length:3.13 minutes. Cinematographer/Writer/Director/Producer Nick Vera:
The Archer - High school archery champion Lauren has just landed in Paradise Trails, a brutal juvenile correctional facility in the wilderness, after hospitalizing a boy in self-defense. But when Lauren learns how deep corruption runs at Paradise Trails under the pernicious rule of warden and bow-hunter Bob, she plots her escape, with the aid of rebellious inmate Rebecca. Length:86 minutes. Director Valerie Weiss:
Protectress - During battle, a healer duels with her mortal enemy in an unsettling form, facing an impossible choose that will forever forge her destiny as a warrior. Writer/Producer Joanna Ke and Director America Young:
“JOANNA: Thank you so much! There are a few reasons why I created “Protectress”. As a professional script reader and actress, I consistently see underdeveloped and vapid female characters. I strongly believe that the world needs more stories with female heroes and more portrayals of feminine leadership. I created a character and a world that addressed those things, and I also wrote the role I always wanted to play, a warrior woman. When I was growing up, I never got to see someone like me, a half-Asian woman, as the lead heroine, so I wanted to change that.”
Tirachinas - A wild North American love tale that follows three couples as they explore some of humans' most animalistic desires. Length: 15 minutes. Writer/Director Pedro Patricio:
Fargate - This short British action comedy is a story of two women on a mission - one to pay her overdraft, the other to stop a bank robbery. The adventure begins. Length: 18 minutes. Writer/Director/Producer/Actor Sally Cancello:
Demon Hunter - The War for Your Soul has Begun. Length: 85 minutes. Writer/Director Zoe Kavanagh:
Are You My Mommy - An action star in mortal danger is rescued by an unlikely saviour with ulterior motives. Length: 14.30 minutes. Writer/Producer Paula Jean Hixson:
AFREEN - A film on ISIS, Afreen is a timely film about the roots of terror and the price of revenge. Length: 1 hour 48 minutes. Director Aashish Chanana:
JC - Love. Marriage. Death. "JC" is the daring new vision of William Shakespeare's political thriller "Julius Caesar". JC is about the dynamic and powerful Portia racing to uncover her husband Brutus's secret plot to assassinate his friend Caesar. The film mixes documentary footage, with narrative photography and cutting-edge organic visual effects realized by two-time Academy Award-Winner Jon Meier. Led by powerhouse performances by stage and screen luminaries Francesca Manzi and Charles Porter, "JC" drills deep into the complexities of marriage, friendship and politics, duty to country. Adapted for the screen, directed, edited, produced and co-DPed by multiple award-wining writer/director Matt Boatright-Simon, this action-packed, sexually charged retelling of the Bard's timeless classic couldn't be more timely. Length: 15 minutes. Interview with Writer/Director Matt Boatright-Simon and Producer/Actor Francesca Manzi.
Balloon - Exploring gender through the lens of the superhero myth, Balloon questions how we raise boys when our concept of masculinity has become narrow. Length: 16.46 minutes. Writer/Director Jeremy Merrifield:
The Adventures of Penny Patterson - High school senior Penny Patterson faces growing obstacles to winning the science fair after Steve, her lab partner and boyfriend, becomes a superhero overnight. Length: 19 minutes. Writer/Director Stephanie Donnelly:
Invincible Boy - A wildly imaginative boy's mission to become a superhero is challenged when his optimistic view of the world begins to crumble. Length: 20 minutes. Writer/Director Julian Park:
Won’t Somebody Think of the Children?! Two third grade girls are writing a comic book together about feminist superheroine Sergeant Laser--but as they push to make their deadline, their friendship is tested. Length: 14.03 minutes. Writer/Director Giorgi Plys-Garzotto:
Superheroes - Surrounded by family violence, ten-year old James uses the power of his imagination as a sanctuary for himself, his brother and mother from a disturbing reality. Length: 7 minutes. Writer/Director Chris Busuttil and Producer Jessica Pearce:
Superpowerless - A superhero loses his powers after turning forty and must adjust to a new life. Length: 80 minutes. Director Duane Andersen:
Bakerman - Man cannot live off bread alone…Length: 83 minutes. Writer/Director David Noel Bourke:
Superheroes & Me - Assembling superhero stars, comic creators, and costume-clad fans, the documentary Superheroes & Me unmasks how superheroes can bring people together and provide hope in difficult times. Length: 7 minutes. Director Liam Burke:
Batman and Me - A look at the role of an obsessive collector in an increasingly pop culture-centric world. Length: 1 hour 24 minutes. Writer/Director/Producer/Editor Michael Wayne:
Squee! Identifying As A Fangirl - Squee! Documenting Where No One Has Documented Before. The Squee Project is a web series that explores topics of womanhood, feminism, representation, creativity and production, body image, race, sexuality and more in pop culture. Length: 10.51 minutes. Writer/Director/Producer Hansi Oppenheimer:
Nocturnal Warriors - An unlikely group of superheroes take on the gas industry in the Australian desert after their habitat is threatened by fracking. Length: 5.08 minutes. Co-director Alex Kelly: