Frequently Asked Questions
What is We Are Moving Stories?
We are the world's largest online community for new voices in film. We broadcast amazing films, support powerful conversations and help form new audiences. Over 50% of our contributors are women.
How do you support new voices in film?
We publish 2-3 articles daily and now have 2000 films. These include drama, documentary, animation, web series, women's films, LGBTQIA+, POC, First Nations, scifi, horror, environmental and world cinema. In these interviews you'll be able to hear filmmakers describe the passion, strength and intelligence filmmakers need for their films to reach an audience.
Who is the founder and product architect?
Dr Carmela Baranowska is the founder and product architect. She has over 20 years experience as a journalist and filmmaker.
Why did you begin We Are Moving Stories?
Two years ago there was no online community that actively supported, encouraged and published new voices in film. We are also making history as we are the only online platform and community that is highlighting women's voices alongside that of men in film. Women are 51% of film viewing worldwide and we are proud to help form this powerful new audience.
Are you a streaming platform?
Yes! We only stream films over a three week period.
How does that work?
After a few months of running the platform we noticed that many of the films profiled at We Are Moving Stories were also about new ideas on important issues.
Wanting to bring the issues and the films together and realizing that current platforms do not cater to these needs we began working on a new model. Our aim is to connect films with organizations by streaming films online over a three week period. In the process a new way of monetizing content is established where the cause, the filmmaker and the platform benefit and share the revenue equally.
We call our model funding for change. It's all entirely voluntary and non-exclusive. We have completed a couple of test cases and are confident that the model works. We are preparing more info as I write. Follow us on social media for updates. To read more:
How are you different from crowdfunding?
We only screen completed films and we do not have an all-or-nothing target.
How are you different from other streaming sites?
We only stream the film over a three week period. However, if you would like to stream the same film with another organization we are open to that arrangement.
I'm still on the festival circuit. Are you asking me to stream my film on your site? I don't think i can do that yet.
Definitely not! If you are interested we'd like to began discussing with you when the time is right.
How can I contribute/contact you/keep in touch?
We are currently setting up an email newsletter but for the time being please follow us on:
Facebook @wearemovingstories
Twitter: @WMoving_S
Instagram: wearemovingstories