We Are Moving Stories is the world's largest online community for new voices in film. We have introduced 3000 films to new audiences! We embrace and support new voices in drama, documentary, animation, web series, women's films, LGBTQIA+, POC, First Nations, scifi, horror, environmental and world cinema.
We also connect films to causes, audiences, producers, distributors, sales agents, buyers, film festival directors and media. And here's a good news story - over 50%+ of our contributors are women. Our profiles describe the passion, strength and intelligence filmmakers need for their films to reach an audience. And if you are a filmmaker who has made a new film - and would like to find a new audience - we want to hear from you.
More info contact our Founder Carmela (
Interview with Founder Carmela
Congratulations on reaching 3000 films! When did you begin We Are Moving Stories?
Thank you! I began We Are Moving Stories in 2016. It was a time of massive political transition: from Obama to Trump. There were also thousands of indie films that were not being covered or discussed anywhere else. I thought it was incredible! So much passion, ideas and hard work that nobody heard about. I set about to make a contribution - and a difference.
What makes you most proud?
Without a doubt we have raised the profile of many films and filmmakers (especially first time filmmakers, women, people of color and LGBTQ) who would normally be marginalized or forgotten. We also have more than 50% women’s participation. When we began that was really unusual but now it’s becoming an industry standard.
What do you think has changed since you began We Are Moving Stories?
Three movements have had an unforgettable impact: climate change, Time’s Up/MeToo and Black Lives Matter. All are about the world we want to live in and the stories we want and need to tell. Films are really both an expression and a representation of our world. ‘We tell ourselves stories to live’ said Joan Didion and I couldn’t agree more.
In the last couple of years what’s been marginal has been pushed to center stage. As a founder and curator of stories it’s been amazing to see this happening and I hope We Are Moving Stories continues to play a part in people’s understanding of the rich variety of contemporary story-telling in film. Name a topic - however obscure - and you’ll be able to find a film on our platform about it.
How do you see the future of We Are Moving Stories?
3000 Films is a huge milestone! I have to pinch myself that it’s true!
I’d love to expand We Are Moving Stories so that it can become the change that it hopes to see in the world. We all need to participate in a national conversation about under-representation and I’d like We Are Moving Stories to act as a starting-point. I would also love to hear your suggestions!
You can read earlier interviews here:
About the Founder
Dr Carmela Baranowska is the Founder and Curator at We Are Moving Stories. Carmela is an Australian journalist and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. She worked in South East Asia’s war zones and emerging democracies for nearly twenty years and has a PhD from the University of Melbourne in human rights and filmmaking.
She curated the films at We Are Moving Stories and since 2016 has come to know and respect all the filmmakers on the platform. At a time of fast-moving algorithms Carmela’s philosophy is simple: Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.
If you’d like to contact Carmela please fill out this form. Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!
We have organized a pilot scheme with over 70 of our filmmakers in order to distribute short films to streamers. Content includes by women, LatinX, LGBTQ and different genres.
We are currently in discussion with scriptwriters at We Are Moving Stories who are seeking funding for feature length scripts. Many have made short films which can act as proof of concept for longer work, either feature film or episodic.
We are actively seeking the most exciting new screenwriting talent both in Los Angeles – where we are based – and internationally. We are looking for the best scripts that are ready to go into production. We are specifically interested in filmmakers who are unrepresented by agents or managers. We are running a script contest to discover this new talent. Read more here.
We Are Moving Stories is the world’s largest platform for new voices in film with more than 3,000 contributors and over 50% women contributors – an industry record.
We are particularly interested in drama scripts for and about:
• Millennials
• Kids and teenagers
• Women’s voices
• Black Lives Matter
• Underserved communities
• New takes on genre (horror, sci-fi, comedy, drama, westerns)
• Documentary